1 /*
2  * This file is part of CasADi.
3  *
4  * CasADi -- A symbolic framework for dynamic optimization.
5  * Copyright (C) 2010-2023 Joel Andersson, Joris Gillis, Moritz Diehl,
6  * KU Leuven. All rights reserved.
7  * Copyright (C) 2011-2014 Greg Horn
8  *
9  * CasADi is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
10  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
11  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
12  * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
13  *
14  * CasADi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
18  *
19  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
20  * License along with CasADi; if not, write to the Free Software
21  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
22  *
23  */
29 #include "slice.hpp"
30 #include "submatrix.hpp"
31 #include "nonzeros.hpp"
32 #include "sparsity.hpp"
33 #include "calculus.hpp"
34 #include "sparsity_interface.hpp"
35 #include "generic_type.hpp"
37 namespace casadi {
43  struct CASADI_EXPORT GenericMatrixCommon {};
74  template<typename MatType>
76  : public GenericMatrixCommon,
77  public SWIG_IF_ELSE(SparsityInterfaceCommon, SparsityInterface<MatType>) {
78  using SparsityInterface<MatType>::self;
79  public:
84  casadi_int nnz() const;
89  casadi_int nnz_lower() const;
94  casadi_int nnz_upper() const;
99  casadi_int nnz_diag() const;
104  casadi_int numel() const;
109  casadi_int size1() const;
114  casadi_int rows() const {return size1();}
119  casadi_int size2() const;
124  casadi_int columns() const {return size2();}
131  std::string dim(bool with_nz=false) const;
136  std::pair<casadi_int, casadi_int> size() const;
141  casadi_int size(casadi_int axis) const;
148  bool is_empty(bool both=false) const { return sparsity().is_empty(both);}
153  bool is_dense() const { return sparsity().is_dense();}
158  bool is_scalar(bool scalar_and_dense=false) const;
163  bool is_square() const { return sparsity().is_square();}
168  bool is_vector() const { return sparsity().is_vector();}
173  bool is_row() const { return sparsity().is_row();}
178  bool is_column() const { return sparsity().is_column();}
183  bool is_triu() const { return sparsity().is_triu();}
188  bool is_tril() const { return sparsity().is_tril();}
194  std::vector<casadi_int> get_row() const { return sparsity().get_row(); }
195  std::vector<casadi_int> get_colind() const { return sparsity().get_colind(); }
196 #ifndef SWIG
197  const casadi_int* row() const { return sparsity().row(); }
198  const casadi_int* colind() const { return sparsity().colind(); }
199 #endif
200  casadi_int row(casadi_int el) const { return sparsity().row(el); }
201  casadi_int colind(casadi_int col) const { return sparsity().colind(col); }
207  SWIG_CONSTREF(Sparsity) sparsity() const;
209 #ifndef SWIG
213  static MatType interp1d(const std::vector<double>& x, const MatType &v,
214  const std::vector<double>& xq, const std::string& mode, bool equidistant);
215  static casadi_int sprank(const MatType &x) { return Sparsity::sprank(x.sparsity());}
216  static casadi_int norm_0_mul(const MatType &x, const MatType &y) {
217  return Sparsity::norm_0_mul(x.sparsity(), y.sparsity());
218  }
219  static MatType tril(const MatType &x, bool includeDiagonal=true) {
220  return project(x, Sparsity::tril(x.sparsity(), includeDiagonal));
221  }
222  static MatType triu(const MatType &x, bool includeDiagonal=true) {
223  return project(x, Sparsity::triu(x.sparsity(), includeDiagonal));
224  }
225  static MatType sumsqr(const MatType &x) { return dot(x, x);}
226  static MatType linspace(const MatType &a, const MatType &b, casadi_int nsteps);
227  static MatType cross(const MatType &a, const MatType &b, casadi_int dim=-1);
228  static MatType skew(const MatType &a);
229  static MatType inv_skew(const MatType &a);
230  static MatType tril2symm(const MatType &x);
231  static MatType triu2symm(const MatType &x);
232  static MatType repsum(const MatType &x, casadi_int n, casadi_int m=1);
233  static MatType diff(const MatType &x, casadi_int n=1, casadi_int axis=-1);
235  static bool is_linear(const MatType &expr, const MatType &var);
236  static bool is_quadratic(const MatType &expr, const MatType &var);
237  static void quadratic_coeff(const MatType &expr, const MatType &var,
238  MatType& A, MatType& b, MatType& c, bool check);
239  static void linear_coeff(const MatType &expr, const MatType &var,
240  MatType& A, MatType& b, bool check);
247  template<typename K>
248  const MatType nz(const K& k) const {
249  MatType ret;
250  self().get_nz(ret, false, k);
251  return ret;
252  }
257  template<typename K>
258  NonZeros<MatType, K> nz(const K& k) {
259  return NonZeros<MatType, K>(self(), k);
260  }
265  template<typename RR>
266  const MatType operator()(const RR& rr) const {
267  MatType ret;
268  self().get(ret, false, rr);
269  return ret;
270  }
275  template<typename RR, typename CC>
276  const MatType operator()(const RR& rr, const CC& cc) const {
277  MatType ret;
278  self().get(ret, false, rr, cc);
279  return ret;
280  }
285  template<typename RR>
286  SubIndex<MatType, RR> operator()(const RR& rr) {
287  return SubIndex<MatType, RR>(self(), rr);
288  }
293  template<typename RR, typename CC>
294  SubMatrix<MatType, RR, CC> operator()(const RR& rr, const CC& cc) {
295  return SubMatrix<MatType, RR, CC>(self(), rr, cc);
296  }
297 #endif // SWIG
299 #if !defined(SWIG) || defined(DOXYGEN)
311  inline friend MatType interp1d(const std::vector<double>& x, const MatType&v,
312  const std::vector<double>& xq, const std::string& mode, bool equidistant=false) {
313  return MatType::interp1d(x, v, xq, mode, equidistant);
314  }
319  inline friend MatType mpower(const MatType& x, const MatType& n) {
320  return MatType::mpower(x, n);
321  }
334  inline friend MatType soc(const MatType& x, const MatType& y) {
335  return MatType::soc(x, y);
336  }
354  inline friend MatType
355  einstein(const MatType &A, const MatType &B, const MatType &C,
356  const std::vector<casadi_int>& dim_a, const std::vector<casadi_int>& dim_b,
357  const std::vector<casadi_int>& dim_c,
358  const std::vector<casadi_int>& a, const std::vector<casadi_int>& b,
359  const std::vector<casadi_int>& c) {
360  return MatType::einstein(A, B, C, dim_a, dim_b, dim_c, a, b, c);
361  }
363  inline friend MatType
364  einstein(const MatType &A, const MatType &B,
365  const std::vector<casadi_int>& dim_a, const std::vector<casadi_int>& dim_b,
366  const std::vector<casadi_int>& dim_c,
367  const std::vector<casadi_int>& a, const std::vector<casadi_int>& b,
368  const std::vector<casadi_int>& c) {
369  return MatType::einstein(A, B, dim_a, dim_b, dim_c, a, b, c);
370  }
376  inline friend MatType mrdivide(const MatType& x, const MatType& n) {
377  return MatType::mrdivide(x, n);
378  }
383  inline friend MatType mldivide(const MatType& x, const MatType& n) {
384  return MatType::mldivide(x, n);
385  }
393  inline friend std::vector<MatType> symvar(const MatType& x) {
394  return MatType::symvar(x);
395  }
403  inline friend MatType bilin(const MatType &A, const MatType &x, const MatType &y) {
404  return MatType::bilin(A, x, y);
405  }
406  inline friend MatType bilin(const MatType &A, const MatType &x) {
407  return MatType::bilin(A, x, x);
408  }
409  static MatType bilin(const MatType& A, const MatType& x, const MatType& y);
418  inline friend MatType rank1(const MatType &A, const MatType &alpha,
419  const MatType &x, const MatType &y) {
420  return MatType::rank1(A, alpha, x, y);
421  }
422  static MatType rank1(const MatType& A, const MatType& alpha,
423  const MatType& x, const MatType& y);
429  inline friend MatType sumsqr(const MatType &x) {
430  return MatType::sumsqr(x);
431  }
443  inline friend MatType logsumexp(const MatType& x) {
444  return MatType::logsumexp(x);
445  }
451  inline friend MatType logsumexp(const MatType& x, const MatType& margin) {
452  MatType alpha = log(x.size1()) / margin;
453  return MatType::logsumexp(alpha*x)/alpha;
454  }
455  static MatType logsumexp(const MatType& x);
460  inline friend MatType linspace(const MatType &a, const MatType &b, casadi_int nsteps) {
461  return MatType::linspace(a, b, nsteps);
462  }
467  inline friend MatType cross(const MatType &a, const MatType &b, casadi_int dim = -1) {
468  return MatType::cross(a, b, dim);
469  }
474  inline friend MatType skew(const MatType &a) {
475  return MatType::skew(a);
476  }
481  inline friend MatType inv_skew(const MatType &a) {
482  return MatType::inv_skew(a);
483  }
488  inline friend MatType det(const MatType& A) { return MatType::det(A);}
493  inline friend MatType inv_minor(const MatType& A) { return MatType::inv_minor(A);}
498  inline friend MatType inv(const MatType& A) {
499  return MatType::inv(A);
500  }
505  inline friend MatType inv(const MatType& A,
506  const std::string& lsolver,
507  const Dict& options=Dict()) {
508  return MatType::inv(A, lsolver, options);
509  }
514  inline friend MatType trace(const MatType& x) { return MatType::trace(x);}
519  inline friend MatType tril2symm(const MatType &a) { return MatType::tril2symm(a);}
524  inline friend MatType triu2symm(const MatType &a) { return MatType::triu2symm(a);}
529  inline friend MatType norm_fro(const MatType &x) { return MatType::norm_fro(x);}
534  inline friend MatType norm_2(const MatType &x) { return MatType::norm_2(x);}
539  inline friend MatType norm_1(const MatType &x) { return MatType::norm_1(x);}
544  inline friend MatType norm_inf(const MatType &x) { return MatType::norm_inf(x);}
549  inline friend MatType diff(const MatType &x, casadi_int n=1, casadi_int axis=-1) {
550  return MatType::diff(x, n, axis);
551  }
556  inline friend MatType cumsum(const MatType &x, casadi_int axis=-1) {
557  return MatType::cumsum(x, axis);
558  }
565  inline friend MatType dot(const MatType &x, const MatType &y) {
566  return MatType::dot(x, y);
567  }
579  inline friend MatType nullspace(const MatType& A) {
580  return MatType::nullspace(A);
581  }
586  inline friend MatType polyval(const MatType& p, const MatType& x) {
587  return MatType::polyval(p, x);
588  }
596  inline friend MatType diag(const MatType &A) {
597  return MatType::diag(A);
598  }
603  inline friend MatType unite(const MatType& A, const MatType& B) {
604  return MatType::unite(A, B);
605  }
610  inline friend MatType densify(const MatType& x) {
611  return MatType::densify(x);
612  }
617  inline friend MatType densify(const MatType& x, const MatType& val) {
618  return MatType::densify(x, val);
619  }
626  inline friend MatType project(const MatType& A, const Sparsity& sp,
627  bool intersect=false) {
628  return MatType::project(A, sp, intersect);
629  }
636  inline friend MatType if_else(const MatType &cond, const MatType &if_true,
637  const MatType &if_false, bool short_circuit=false) {
638  return MatType::if_else(cond, if_true, if_false, short_circuit);
639  }
647  inline friend MatType conditional(const MatType& ind, const std::vector<MatType> &x,
648  const MatType &x_default, bool short_circuit=false) {
649  return MatType::conditional(ind, x, x_default, short_circuit);
650  }
657  inline friend bool depends_on(const MatType& f, const MatType &arg) {
658  return MatType::depends_on(f, arg);
659  }
664  friend inline MatType substitute(const MatType& ex, const MatType& v,
665  const MatType& vdef) {
666  return MatType::substitute(ex, v, vdef);
667  }
672  friend inline std::vector<MatType>
673  substitute(const std::vector<MatType>& ex, const std::vector<MatType>& v,
674  const std::vector<MatType>& vdef) {
675  return MatType::substitute(ex, v, vdef);
676  }
684  inline friend void
685  substitute_inplace(const std::vector<MatType>& v,
686  std::vector<MatType>& inout_vdef,
687  std::vector<MatType>& inout_ex, bool reverse=false) {
688  return MatType::substitute_inplace(v, inout_vdef, inout_ex, reverse);
689  }
694  inline friend MatType cse(const MatType& e) {
695  return MatType::cse({e}).at(0);
696  }
702  inline friend std::vector<MatType> cse(const std::vector<MatType>& e) {
703  return MatType::cse(e);
704  }
724  friend inline MatType solve(const MatType& A, const MatType& b) {
725  return MatType::solve(A, b);
726  }
731  friend inline MatType solve(const MatType& A, const MatType& b,
732  const std::string& lsolver,
733  const Dict& dict = Dict()) {
734  return MatType::solve(A, b, lsolver, dict);
735  }
740  friend inline MatType linearize(const MatType& f, const MatType& x, const MatType& x0,
741  const Dict& opts=Dict()) {
742  return MatType::linearize(f, x, x0, opts);
743  }
757  friend inline MatType pinv(const MatType& A) {
758  return MatType::pinv(A);
759  }
767  friend inline MatType pinv(const MatType& A, const std::string& lsolver,
768  const Dict& dict = Dict()) {
769  return MatType::pinv(A, lsolver, dict);
770  }
782  friend inline MatType expm_const(const MatType& A, const MatType& t) {
783  return MatType::expm_const(A, t);
784  }
790  friend inline MatType expm(const MatType& A) {
791  return MatType::expm(A);
792  }
799  inline friend MatType jacobian(const MatType &ex, const MatType &arg,
800  const Dict& opts = Dict()) {
801  return MatType::jacobian(ex, arg, opts);
802  }
812  inline friend MatType gradient(const MatType &ex, const MatType &arg, const Dict& opts=Dict()) {
813  return MatType::gradient(ex, arg, opts);
814  }
819  inline friend MatType tangent(const MatType &ex, const MatType &arg, const Dict& opts=Dict()) {
820  return MatType::tangent(ex, arg, opts);
821  }
832  friend inline MatType jtimes(const MatType &ex, const MatType &arg,
833  const MatType &v, bool tr=false, const Dict& opts=Dict()) {
834  return MatType::jtimes(ex, arg, v, tr, opts);
835  }
840  friend inline std::vector<std::vector<MatType> >
841  forward(const std::vector<MatType> &ex, const std::vector<MatType> &arg,
842  const std::vector<std::vector<MatType> > &v,
843  const Dict& opts = Dict()) {
844  return MatType::forward(ex, arg, v, opts);
845  }
850  friend inline std::vector<std::vector<MatType> >
851  reverse(const std::vector<MatType> &ex, const std::vector<MatType> &arg,
852  const std::vector<std::vector<MatType> > &v,
853  const Dict& opts = Dict()) {
854  return MatType::reverse(ex, arg, v, opts);
855  }
861  inline friend MatType hessian(const MatType &ex, const MatType &arg,
862  const Dict& opts = Dict()) {
863  return MatType::hessian(ex, arg, opts);
864  }
865  inline friend MatType hessian(const MatType &ex, const MatType &arg, MatType& output_g,
866  const Dict& opts = Dict()) {
867  return MatType::hessian(ex, arg, output_g, opts);
868  }
874  inline friend std::vector<bool> which_depends(const MatType &expr, const MatType &var,
875  casadi_int order, bool tr) {
876  return MatType::which_depends(expr, var, order, tr);
877  }
884  inline friend Sparsity jacobian_sparsity(const MatType &f, const MatType &x) {
885  return MatType::jacobian_sparsity(f, x);
886  }
895  inline friend bool is_linear(const MatType &expr, const MatType &var) {
896  return MatType::is_linear(expr, var);
897  }
906  inline friend bool is_quadratic(const MatType &expr, const MatType &var) {
907  return MatType::is_quadratic(expr, var);
908  }
920  inline friend void quadratic_coeff(const MatType &expr, const MatType &var,
921  MatType& A, MatType& b, MatType& c, bool check=true) {
922  MatType::quadratic_coeff(expr, var, A, b, c, check);
923  }
933  inline friend void linear_coeff(const MatType &expr, const MatType &var,
934  MatType& A, MatType& b, bool check=true) {
935  MatType::linear_coeff(expr, var, A, b, check);
936  }
939  inline friend casadi_int n_nodes(const MatType& A) {
940  return MatType::n_nodes(A);
941  }
944  friend inline MatType simplify(const MatType &x) {
945  return MatType::simplify(x);
946  }
951  inline friend std::string
952  print_operator(const MatType& xb, const std::vector<std::string>& args) {
953  return MatType::print_operator(xb, args);
954  }
959  inline friend void extract(std::vector<MatType>& ex,
960  std::vector<MatType>& v,
961  std::vector<MatType>& vdef,
962  const Dict& opts = Dict()) {
963  MatType::extract(ex, v, vdef, opts);
964  }
969  inline friend void shared(std::vector<MatType>& ex,
970  std::vector<MatType>& v,
971  std::vector<MatType>& vdef,
972  const std::string& v_prefix="v_",
973  const std::string& v_suffix="") {
974  return MatType::shared(ex, v, vdef, v_prefix, v_suffix);
975  }
980  inline friend MatType repsum(const MatType &A, casadi_int n, casadi_int m=1) {
981  return MatType::repsum(A, n, m);
982  }
988  friend inline MatType mmin(const MatType& x) {
989  return MatType::mmin(x);
990  }
997  friend inline MatType mmax(const MatType& x) {
998  return MatType::mmax(x);
999  }
1004  static MatType jtimes(const MatType &ex, const MatType &arg,
1005  const MatType &v, bool tr=false, const Dict& opts=Dict());
1006  static MatType gradient(const MatType &ex, const MatType &arg, const Dict& opts=Dict());
1007  static MatType tangent(const MatType &ex, const MatType &arg, const Dict& opts=Dict());
1008  static MatType linearize(const MatType& f, const MatType& x, const MatType& x0,
1009  const Dict& opts=Dict());
1010  static MatType mpower(const MatType &x, const MatType &y);
1011  static MatType soc(const MatType &x, const MatType &y);
1015 #endif // SWIG
1027  static MatType sym(const std::string& name, casadi_int nrow=1, casadi_int ncol=1) {
1028  return sym(name, Sparsity::dense(nrow, ncol));
1029  }
1034  static MatType sym(const std::string& name, const std::pair<casadi_int, casadi_int> &rc) {
1035  return sym(name, rc.first, rc.second);
1036  }
1041  static MatType sym(const std::string& name, const Sparsity& sp) {
1042  return MatType::_sym(name, sp);
1043  }
1050  static std::vector<MatType > sym(const std::string& name, const Sparsity& sp, casadi_int p);
1055  static std::vector<MatType > sym(const std::string& name, casadi_int nrow,
1056  casadi_int ncol, casadi_int p) {
1057  return sym(name, Sparsity::dense(nrow, ncol), p);
1058  }
1065  static std::vector<std::vector<MatType> >
1066  sym(const std::string& name, const Sparsity& sp, casadi_int p, casadi_int r);
1073  static std::vector<std::vector<MatType> >
1074  sym(const std::string& name, casadi_int nrow, casadi_int ncol, casadi_int p, casadi_int r) {
1075  return sym(name, Sparsity::dense(nrow, ncol), p, r);
1076  }
1083  static MatType zeros(casadi_int nrow=1, casadi_int ncol=1) {
1084  return zeros(Sparsity::dense(nrow, ncol));
1085  }
1086  static MatType zeros(const Sparsity& sp) { return MatType(sp, 0, false);}
1087  static MatType zeros(const std::pair<casadi_int, casadi_int>& rc) {
1088  return zeros(rc.first, rc.second);
1089  }
1096  static MatType ones(casadi_int nrow=1, casadi_int ncol=1) {
1097  return ones(Sparsity::dense(nrow, ncol));
1098  }
1099  static MatType ones(const Sparsity& sp) { return MatType(sp, 1, false);}
1100  static MatType ones(const std::pair<casadi_int, casadi_int>& rc) {
1101  return ones(rc.first, rc.second);
1102  }
1104  };
1106  // Throw informative error message
1108  throw CasadiException("Error in " + MatType::type_name() \
1109  + "::" FNAME " at " + CASADI_WHERE + ":\n" + std::string(WHAT));
1111 #ifndef SWIG
1112  // Implementations
1113  template<typename MatType>
1114  const Sparsity& GenericMatrix<MatType>::sparsity() const {
1115  return self().sparsity();
1116  }
1118  template<typename MatType>
1119  casadi_int GenericMatrix<MatType>::nnz() const {
1120  return sparsity().nnz();
1121  }
1123  template<typename MatType>
1124  casadi_int GenericMatrix<MatType>::nnz_lower() const {
1125  return sparsity().nnz_lower();
1126  }
1128  template<typename MatType>
1129  casadi_int GenericMatrix<MatType>::nnz_upper() const {
1130  return sparsity().nnz_upper();
1131  }
1133  template<typename MatType>
1134  casadi_int GenericMatrix<MatType>::nnz_diag() const {
1135  return sparsity().nnz_diag();
1136  }
1138  template<typename MatType>
1139  casadi_int GenericMatrix<MatType>::numel() const {
1140  return sparsity().numel();
1141  }
1143  template<typename MatType>
1144  casadi_int GenericMatrix<MatType>::size1() const {
1145  return sparsity().size1();
1146  }
1148  template<typename MatType>
1149  casadi_int GenericMatrix<MatType>::size2() const {
1150  return sparsity().size2();
1151  }
1153  template<typename MatType>
1154  std::pair<casadi_int, casadi_int> GenericMatrix<MatType>::size() const {
1155  return sparsity().size();
1156  }
1158  template<typename MatType>
1159  casadi_int GenericMatrix<MatType>::size(casadi_int axis) const {
1160  return sparsity().size(axis);
1161  }
1163  template<typename MatType>
1164  std::string GenericMatrix<MatType>::dim(bool with_nz) const {
1165  return sparsity().dim(with_nz);
1166  }
1168  template<typename MatType>
1169  bool GenericMatrix<MatType>::is_scalar(bool scalar_and_dense) const {
1170  return sparsity().is_scalar(scalar_and_dense);
1171  }
1173 #endif // SWIG
1175  template<typename MatType>
1176  std::vector<MatType> GenericMatrix<MatType>::sym(const std::string& name,
1177  const Sparsity& sp, casadi_int p) {
1178  std::vector<MatType> ret(p);
1179  std::stringstream ss;
1180  for (casadi_int k=0; k<p; ++k) {
1181  ss.str("");
1182  ss << name << k;
1183  ret[k] = sym(ss.str(), sp);
1184  }
1185  return ret;
1186  }
1188  template<typename MatType>
1189  std::vector<std::vector<MatType> > GenericMatrix<MatType>::sym(const std::string& name,
1190  const Sparsity& sp, casadi_int p,
1191  casadi_int r) {
1192  std::vector<std::vector<MatType> > ret(r);
1193  for (casadi_int k=0; k<r; ++k) {
1194  std::stringstream ss;
1195  ss << name << "_" << k;
1196  ret[k] = sym(ss.str(), sp, p);
1197  }
1198  return ret;
1199  }
1201  template<typename MatType>
1202  MatType GenericMatrix<MatType>::linspace(const MatType& a, const MatType& b, casadi_int nsteps) {
1203  std::vector<MatType> ret(nsteps);
1204  ret[0] = a;
1205  MatType step = (b-a)/static_cast<MatType>(nsteps-1);
1207  for (casadi_int i=1; i<nsteps-1; ++i)
1208  ret[i] = a + i * step;
1210  ret[nsteps-1] = b;
1211  return vertcat(ret);
1212  }
1214  template<typename MatType>
1215  MatType GenericMatrix<MatType>::cross(const MatType& a, const MatType& b, casadi_int dim) {
1216  casadi_assert(a.size1()==b.size1() && a.size2()==b.size2(),
1217  "cross(a, b): Inconsistent dimensions. Dimension of a ("
1218  + a.dim() + " ) must equal that of b (" + b.dim() + ").");
1220  casadi_assert(a.size1()==3 || a.size2()==3,
1221  "cross(a, b): One of the dimensions of a should have length 3, but got "
1222  + a.dim() + ".");
1223  casadi_assert(dim==-1 || dim==1 || dim==2,
1224  "cross(a, b, dim): Dim must be 1, 2 or -1 (automatic).");
1226  std::vector<MatType> ret(3);
1228  bool t = a.size1()==3;
1230  if (dim==1) t = true;
1231  if (dim==2) t = false;
1233  MatType a1 = t ? a(0, Slice()) : a(Slice(), 0);
1234  MatType a2 = t ? a(1, Slice()) : a(Slice(), 1);
1235  MatType a3 = t ? a(2, Slice()) : a(Slice(), 2);
1237  MatType b1 = t ? b(0, Slice()) : b(Slice(), 0);
1238  MatType b2 = t ? b(1, Slice()) : b(Slice(), 1);
1239  MatType b3 = t ? b(2, Slice()) : b(Slice(), 2);
1241  ret[0] = a2*b3-a3*b2;
1242  ret[1] = a3*b1-a1*b3;
1243  ret[2] = a1*b2-a2*b1;
1245  return t ? vertcat(ret) : horzcat(ret);
1246  }
1248  double CASADI_EXPORT index_interp1d(const std::vector<double>& x, double xq,
1249  bool equidistant=false);
1251  template<typename MatType>
1252  MatType GenericMatrix<MatType>::interp1d(const std::vector<double>& x, const MatType& v,
1253  const std::vector<double>& xq, const std::string& mode, bool equidistant) {
1255  bool mode_floor = mode == "floor";
1256  bool mode_ceil = mode == "ceil";
1258  casadi_assert_dev(is_increasing(x));
1260  casadi_assert(x.size()==v.size1(),
1261  "interp1d(x, v, xq): dimensions mismatch. v expected to have " + str(x.size()) + " rows,"
1262  " but got " + str(v.size1()) + " instead.");
1264  // Need at least two elements
1265  casadi_assert(x.size()>=2, "interp1d(x, v, xq): x must be at least length 2.");
1267  // Vectors to compose a sparse matrix
1268  std::vector<double> val;
1269  std::vector<casadi_int> colind(1, 0);
1270  std::vector<casadi_int> row;
1272  // Number of nonzeros in to-be composed matrix
1273  casadi_int nnz = 0;
1274  for (casadi_int i=0;i<xq.size();++i) {
1275  // Obtain index corresponding to xq[i]
1276  double ind = index_interp1d(x, xq[i], equidistant);
1278  if (mode_floor) ind = floor(ind);
1279  if (mode_ceil) ind = ceil(ind);
1281  // Split into integer and fractional part
1282  double int_partd;
1283  double frac_part = modf(ind, &int_partd);
1284  casadi_int int_part = static_cast<casadi_int>(int_partd);
1286  if (frac_part==0) {
1287  // Create a single entry
1288  val.push_back(1);
1289  row.push_back(int_part);
1290  nnz+=1;
1291  colind.push_back(nnz);
1292  } else {
1293  // Create a double entry
1294  val.push_back(1-frac_part);
1295  val.push_back(frac_part);
1296  row.push_back(int_part);
1297  row.push_back(int_part+1);
1298  nnz+=2;
1299  colind.push_back(nnz);
1300  }
1301  }
1303  // Construct sparsity for composed matrix
1304  Sparsity sp(x.size(), xq.size() , colind, row);
1306  return MatType::mtimes(MatType(sp, val).T(), v);
1308  }
1310  template<typename MatType>
1311  MatType GenericMatrix<MatType>::skew(const MatType& a) {
1312  casadi_assert(a.is_vector() && (a.size1()==3 || a.size2()==3),
1313  "skew(a): Expecting 3-vector, got " + a.dim() + ".");
1315  MatType x = a(0);
1316  MatType y = a(1);
1317  MatType z = a(2);
1318  return blockcat(std::vector< std::vector<MatType> >({{0, -z, y}, {z, 0, -x}, {-y, x, 0}}));
1319  }
1321  template<typename MatType>
1322  MatType GenericMatrix<MatType>::inv_skew(const MatType& a) {
1323  casadi_assert(a.size1()==3 && a.size2()==3,
1324  "inv_skew(a): Expecting 3-by-3 matrix, got " + a.dim() + ".");
1326  return 0.5*vertcat(std::vector<MatType>({a(2, 1)-a(1, 2), a(0, 2)-a(2, 0), a(1, 0)-a(0, 1)}));
1327  }
1330  template<typename MatType>
1331  MatType GenericMatrix<MatType>::tril2symm(const MatType& x) {
1332  casadi_assert(x.is_square(),
1333  "Shape error in tril2symm. Expecting square shape but got " + x.dim());
1334  casadi_assert(x.nnz_upper()-x.nnz_diag()==0,
1335  "Sparsity error in tril2symm. Found above-diagonal entries in argument: " + x.dim());
1336  return x + x.T() - diag(diag(x));
1337  }
1339  template<typename MatType>
1340  MatType GenericMatrix<MatType>::repsum(const MatType& x, casadi_int n, casadi_int m) {
1341  casadi_assert_dev(x.size1() % n==0);
1342  casadi_assert_dev(x.size2() % m==0);
1343  std::vector< std::vector< MatType> > s =
1344  blocksplit(x, x.size1()/n, x.size2()/m);
1345  MatType sum = 0;
1346  for (casadi_int i=0;i<s.size();++i) {
1347  for (casadi_int j=0;j<s[i].size();++j) {
1348  sum = sum + s[i][j];
1349  }
1350  }
1351  return sum;
1352  }
1354  template<typename MatType>
1355  MatType GenericMatrix<MatType>::triu2symm(const MatType& x) {
1356  casadi_assert(x.is_square(),
1357  "Shape error in triu2symm. Expecting square shape but got " + x.dim());
1358  casadi_assert(x.nnz_lower()-x.nnz_diag()==0,
1359  "Sparsity error in triu2symm. Found below-diagonal entries in argument: " + x.dim());
1360  return x + x.T() - diag(diag(x));
1361  }
1363  template<typename MatType>
1364  MatType GenericMatrix<MatType>::bilin(const MatType& A, const MatType& x,
1365  const MatType& y) {
1366  // Check/correct x
1367  casadi_assert_dev(x.is_vector());
1368  if (!x.is_column()) return bilin(A, x.T(), y);
1369  if (!x.is_dense()) return bilin(A, densify(x), y);
1371  // Check/correct y
1372  casadi_assert_dev(y.is_vector());
1373  if (!y.is_column()) return bilin(A, x, y.T());
1374  if (!y.is_dense()) return bilin(A, x, densify(y));
1376  // Assert dimensions
1377  casadi_assert(x.size1()==A.size1() && y.size1()==A.size2(),
1378  "Dimension mismatch. Got x.size1() = " + str(x.size1())
1379  + " and y.size1() = " + str(y.size1()) + " but A.size() = " + str(A.size()));
1381  // Call the class specific method
1382  return MatType::_bilin(A, x, y);
1383  }
1385  template<typename MatType>
1386  MatType GenericMatrix<MatType>::rank1(const MatType& A, const MatType& alpha,
1387  const MatType& x, const MatType& y) {
1388  // Check/correct x
1389  casadi_assert_dev(x.is_vector());
1390  if (!x.is_column()) return rank1(A, alpha, x.T(), y);
1391  if (!x.is_dense()) return rank1(A, alpha, densify(x), y);
1393  // Check/correct y
1394  casadi_assert_dev(y.is_vector());
1395  if (!y.is_column()) return rank1(A, alpha, x, y.T());
1396  if (!y.is_dense()) return rank1(A, alpha, x, densify(y));
1398  // Check alpha, quick return
1399  casadi_assert_dev(alpha.is_scalar());
1400  if (!alpha.is_dense()) return A;
1402  // Assert dimensions
1403  casadi_assert(x.size1()==A.size1() && y.size1()==A.size2(),
1404  "Dimension mismatch. Got x.size1() = " + str(x.size1())
1405  + " and y.size1() = " + str(y.size1())
1406  + " but A.size() = " + str(A.size()));
1408  // Call the class specific method
1409  return MatType::_rank1(A, alpha, x, y);
1410  }
1412  template<typename MatType>
1413  MatType GenericMatrix<MatType>::logsumexp(const MatType& x) {
1414  casadi_assert(x.is_dense(), "Argument must be dense");
1415  casadi_assert(x.is_column(), "Argument must be column vector");
1416  // Call the class specific method
1417  return MatType::_logsumexp(x);
1418  }
1420  template<typename MatType>
1421  MatType GenericMatrix<MatType>::jtimes(const MatType &ex, const MatType &arg,
1422  const MatType &v, bool tr, const Dict& opts) {
1423  try {
1424  // Assert consistent input dimensions
1425  if (tr) {
1426  casadi_assert(v.size1() == ex.size1() && v.size2() % ex.size2() == 0,
1427  "'v' has inconsistent dimensions: "
1428  " v " + v.dim(false) + ", ex " + ex.dim(false) + ".");
1429  } else {
1430  casadi_assert(v.size1() == arg.size1() && v.size2() % arg.size2() == 0,
1431  "'v' has inconsistent dimensions: "
1432  " v " + v.dim(false) + ", arg " + arg.dim(false) + ".");
1433  }
1435  // Quick return if no seeds
1436  if (v.is_empty()) return MatType(tr ? arg.size1() : ex.size1(), 0);
1438  // Split up the seed into its components
1439  std::vector<MatType> w = horzsplit(v, tr ? ex.size2() : arg.size2());
1441  // Seeds as a vector of vectors
1442  std::vector<std::vector<MatType> > ww(w.size());
1443  for (casadi_int i=0; i<w.size(); ++i) ww[i] = {w[i]};
1445  // Calculate directional derivatives
1446  if (tr) {
1447  ww = reverse({ex}, {arg}, ww, opts);
1448  } else {
1449  ww = forward({ex}, {arg}, ww, opts);
1450  }
1452  // Get results
1453  for (casadi_int i=0; i<w.size(); ++i) w[i] = ww[i][0];
1454  return horzcat(w);
1455  } catch (std::exception& e) {
1456  CASADI_THROW_ERROR("jtimes", e.what());
1457  }
1458  }
1460  template<typename MatType>
1461  MatType GenericMatrix<MatType>::gradient(const MatType &ex, const MatType &arg,
1462  const Dict& opts) {
1463  try {
1464  casadi_assert(ex.is_scalar(),
1465  "'gradient' only defined for scalar outputs: Use 'jacobian' instead.");
1466  return project(jtimes(ex, arg, MatType::ones(ex.sparsity()), true, opts), arg.sparsity());
1467  } catch (std::exception& e) {
1468  CASADI_THROW_ERROR("gradient", e.what());
1469  }
1470  }
1472  template<typename MatType>
1473  MatType GenericMatrix<MatType>::tangent(const MatType &ex, const MatType &arg,
1474  const Dict& opts) {
1475  try {
1476  casadi_assert(arg.is_scalar(),
1477  "'tangent' only defined for scalar inputs: Use 'jacobian' instead.");
1478  return project(jtimes(ex, arg, MatType::ones(arg.sparsity()), false, opts), ex.sparsity());
1479  } catch (std::exception& e) {
1480  CASADI_THROW_ERROR("tangent", e.what());
1481  }
1482  }
1484  template<typename MatType>
1485  MatType GenericMatrix<MatType>::
1486  linearize(const MatType& f, const MatType& x, const MatType& x0, const Dict& opts) {
1487  MatType x_lin = MatType::sym("x_lin", x.sparsity());
1488  // mismatching dimensions
1489  if (x0.size() != x.size()) {
1490  // Scalar x0 is ok
1491  if (x0.sparsity().is_scalar()) {
1492  return linearize(f, x, MatType(x.sparsity(), x0));
1493  }
1494  casadi_error("Dimension mismatch in 'linearize'");
1495  }
1496  return substitute(f + jtimes(f, x, x_lin, false, opts),
1497  MatType::vertcat({x_lin, x}), MatType::vertcat({x, x0}));
1498  }
1500  template<typename MatType>
1501  MatType GenericMatrix<MatType>::mpower(const MatType& a,
1502  const MatType& b) {
1503  if (a.is_scalar() && b.is_scalar()) return pow(a, b);
1504  casadi_assert(a.is_square() && b.is_constant() && b.is_scalar(),
1505  "Not Implemented");
1506  double bv = static_cast<double>(b);
1507  casadi_int N = static_cast<casadi_int>(bv);
1508  casadi_assert(bv-static_cast<double>(N)==0, "mpower only defined for integer powers.");
1509  casadi_assert(bv==N, "Not Implemented");
1510  if (N<0) return inv(mpower(a, -N));
1511  if (N==0) return MatType::eye(a.size1());
1512  if (N==1) return a;
1513  if (N % 2 == 0) {
1514  MatType h = mpower(a, N/2); // NOLINT
1515  return MatType::mtimes(h, h);
1516  } else {
1517  return MatType::mtimes(mpower(a, N-1), a);
1518  }
1519  }
1521  template<typename MatType>
1522  MatType GenericMatrix<MatType>::soc(const MatType& x,
1523  const MatType& y) {
1524  casadi_assert(y.is_scalar(), "y needs to be scalar. Got " + y.dim() + ".");
1525  casadi_assert(x.is_vector(), "x needs to be a vector. Got " + x.dim() + ".");
1527  MatType x_col = x.is_column() ? x : x.T();
1529  x_col =; // NOLINT
1531  casadi_int n = x_col.numel();
1532  return blockcat(y*MatType::eye(n), x_col, x_col.T(), y);
1533  }
1535  template<typename MatType>
1536  bool GenericMatrix<MatType>::is_linear(const MatType &expr, const MatType &var) {
1537  return !any(MatType::which_depends(expr, var, 2, true));
1538  }
1540  template<typename MatType>
1541  bool GenericMatrix<MatType>::is_quadratic(const MatType &expr, const MatType &var) {
1542  return is_linear(gradient(expr, var), var);
1543  }
1545  template<typename MatType>
1546  void GenericMatrix<MatType>::quadratic_coeff(const MatType &expr, const MatType &var,
1547  MatType& A, MatType& b, MatType& c, bool check) {
1548  casadi_assert(expr.is_scalar(), "'quadratic_coeff' only defined for scalar expressions.");
1549  A = hessian(expr, var);
1550  b = substitute(jacobian(expr, var), var, 0).T();
1551  if (check)
1552  casadi_assert(!depends_on(A, var), "'quadratic_coeff' called on non-quadratic expression.");
1553  c = substitute(expr, var, 0);
1554  }
1556  template<typename MatType>
1557  void GenericMatrix<MatType>::linear_coeff(const MatType &expr, const MatType &var,
1558  MatType& A, MatType& b, bool check) {
1559  casadi_assert(expr.is_vector(), "'linear_coeff' only defined for vector expressions.");
1560  if (check)
1561  casadi_assert(is_linear(expr, var), "'linear_coeff' called on non-linear expression.");
1562  A = substitute(jacobian(expr, var), var, 0);
1563  b = vec(substitute(expr, var, 0));
1564  }
1566  template<typename MatType>
1567  MatType GenericMatrix<MatType>::diff(const MatType& x, casadi_int n, casadi_int axis) {
1568  casadi_assert(axis==-1 || axis==0 || axis==1, "Axis argument invalid");
1569  casadi_assert(n>=1, "n argument invalid");
1571  MatType ret = x;
1572  for (casadi_int i=0;i<n;++i) {
1573  // Matlab's special case
1574  if (axis==-1 && ret.is_scalar()) return MatType();
1576  casadi_int local_axis = (axis==-1) ? ret.is_row() : axis;
1577  if (local_axis==0) {
1578  if (ret.size1()<=1) {
1579  ret = MatType::zeros(0, ret.size2());
1580  } else {
1581  ret = ret(Slice(1, ret.size1()), Slice())-ret(Slice(0, ret.size1()-1), Slice());
1582  }
1583  } else {
1584  if (ret.size2()<=1) {
1585  ret = MatType::zeros(ret.size1(), 0);
1586  } else {
1587  ret = ret(Slice(), Slice(1, ret.size2()))-ret(Slice(), Slice(0, ret.size2()-1));
1588  }
1589  }
1590  }
1591  return ret;
1592  }
1596 } // namespace casadi
Matrix base class.
casadi_int numel() const
Get the number of elements.
Sparsity sparsity() const
Get the sparsity pattern.
bool is_dense() const
Check if the matrix expression is dense.
bool is_column() const
Check if the matrix is a column vector (i.e. size2()==1)
static MatType zeros(const Sparsity &sp)
Create a dense matrix or a matrix with specified sparsity with all entries zero.
bool is_empty(bool both=false) const
Check if the sparsity is empty, i.e. if one of the dimensions is zero.
casadi_int row(casadi_int el) const
Get the sparsity pattern. See the Sparsity class for details.
std::vector< casadi_int > get_colind() const
Get the sparsity pattern. See the Sparsity class for details.
bool is_vector() const
Check if the matrix is a row or column vector.
casadi_int nnz() const
Get the number of (structural) non-zero elements.
casadi_int size2() const
Get the second dimension (i.e. number of columns)
casadi_int rows() const
Get the number of rows, Octave-style syntax.
bool is_tril() const
Check if the matrix is lower triangular.
static MatType zeros(const std::pair< casadi_int, casadi_int > &rc)
Create a dense matrix or a matrix with specified sparsity with all entries zero.
static MatType sym(const std::string &name, const std::pair< casadi_int, casadi_int > &rc)
Construct a symbolic primitive with given dimensions.
static MatType sym(const std::string &name, const Sparsity &sp)
Create symbolic primitive with a given sparsity pattern.
static std::vector< MatType > sym(const std::string &name, casadi_int nrow, casadi_int ncol, casadi_int p)
Create a vector of length p with nrow-by-ncol symbolic primitives.
casadi_int size(casadi_int axis) const
Get the size along a particular dimensions.
casadi_int nnz_upper() const
Get the number of non-zeros in the upper triangular half.
bool is_row() const
Check if the matrix is a row vector (i.e. size1()==1)
bool is_triu() const
Check if the matrix is upper triangular.
casadi_int size1() const
Get the first dimension (i.e. number of rows)
std::string dim(bool with_nz=false) const
Get string representation of dimensions.
casadi_int nnz_diag() const
Get get the number of non-zeros on the diagonal.
static MatType ones(casadi_int nrow=1, casadi_int ncol=1)
Create a dense matrix or a matrix with specified sparsity with all entries one.
static MatType ones(const Sparsity &sp)
Create a dense matrix or a matrix with specified sparsity with all entries one.
static MatType sym(const std::string &name, casadi_int nrow=1, casadi_int ncol=1)
Create an nrow-by-ncol symbolic primitive.
static std::vector< std::vector< MatType > > sym(const std::string &name, casadi_int nrow, casadi_int ncol, casadi_int p, casadi_int r)
Create a vector of length r of vectors of length p.
static MatType ones(const std::pair< casadi_int, casadi_int > &rc)
Create a dense matrix or a matrix with specified sparsity with all entries one.
casadi_int colind(casadi_int col) const
Get the sparsity pattern. See the Sparsity class for details.
bool is_square() const
Check if the matrix expression is square.
static std::vector< MatType > sym(const std::string &name, const Sparsity &sp, casadi_int p)
Create a vector of length p with with matrices.
casadi_int columns() const
Get the number of columns, Octave-style syntax.
static MatType zeros(casadi_int nrow=1, casadi_int ncol=1)
Create a dense matrix or a matrix with specified sparsity with all entries zero.
std::vector< casadi_int > get_row() const
Get the sparsity pattern. See the Sparsity class for details.
static std::vector< std::vector< MatType > > sym(const std::string &name, const Sparsity &sp, casadi_int p, casadi_int r)
Create a vector of length r of vectors of length p with.
std::pair< casadi_int, casadi_int > size() const
Get the shape.
casadi_int nnz_lower() const
Get the number of non-zeros in the lower triangular half.
bool is_scalar(bool scalar_and_dense=false) const
Check if the matrix expression is scalar.
General sparsity class.
Definition: sparsity.hpp:99
casadi_int colind(casadi_int cc) const
Get a reference to the colindex of column cc (see class description)
bool is_vector() const
Check if the pattern is a row or column vector.
static Sparsity dense(casadi_int nrow, casadi_int ncol=1)
Create a dense rectangular sparsity pattern *.
std::vector< casadi_int > get_colind() const
Get the column index for each column.
bool is_column() const
Check if the pattern is a column vector (i.e. size2()==1)
bool is_row() const
Check if the pattern is a row vector (i.e. size1()==1)
bool is_tril(bool strictly=false) const
Is lower triangular?
casadi_int row(casadi_int el) const
Get the row of a non-zero element.
bool is_empty(bool both=false) const
Check if the sparsity is empty.
bool is_dense() const
Is dense?
bool is_square() const
Is square?
bool is_triu(bool strictly=false) const
Is upper triangular?
std::vector< casadi_int > get_row() const
Get the row for each non-zero entry.
static MatType logsumexp(const MatType &x)
friend MatType solve(const MatType &A, const MatType &b)
Solve a system of equations: A*x = b.
friend MatType bilin(const MatType &A, const MatType &x)
Calculate bilinear/quadratic form x^T A y.
friend MatType nullspace(const MatType &A)
Computes the nullspace of a matrix A.
friend bool depends_on(const MatType &f, const MatType &arg)
Check if expression depends on the argument.
friend MatType trace(const MatType &x)
Matrix trace.
friend MatType norm_2(const MatType &x)
static MatType gradient(const MatType &ex, const MatType &arg, const Dict &opts=Dict())
friend MatType soc(const MatType &x, const MatType &y)
Construct second-order-convex.
friend MatType rank1(const MatType &A, const MatType &alpha, const MatType &x, const MatType &y)
Make a rank-1 update to a matrix A.
friend MatType simplify(const MatType &x)
Simplify an expression.
static MatType mpower(const MatType &x, const MatType &y)
friend MatType einstein(const MatType &A, const MatType &B, const MatType &C, const std::vector< casadi_int > &dim_a, const std::vector< casadi_int > &dim_b, const std::vector< casadi_int > &dim_c, const std::vector< casadi_int > &a, const std::vector< casadi_int > &b, const std::vector< casadi_int > &c)
Compute any contraction of two dense tensors, using index/einstein notation.
friend MatType project(const MatType &A, const Sparsity &sp, bool intersect=false)
Create a new matrix with a given sparsity pattern but with the.
friend MatType repsum(const MatType &A, casadi_int n, casadi_int m=1)
Given a repeated matrix, computes the sum of repeated parts.
friend MatType sumsqr(const MatType &x)
Calculate sum of squares: sum_ij X_ij^2.
friend std::vector< bool > which_depends(const MatType &expr, const MatType &var, casadi_int order, bool tr)
Find out which variables enter with some order.
friend MatType inv(const MatType &A)
Matrix inverse.
friend MatType norm_fro(const MatType &x)
Frobenius norm.
friend MatType interp1d(const std::vector< double > &x, const MatType &v, const std::vector< double > &xq, const std::string &mode, bool equidistant=false)
Performs 1d linear interpolation.
friend MatType hessian(const MatType &ex, const MatType &arg, MatType &output_g, const Dict &opts=Dict())
Hessian and (optionally) gradient.
static MatType jtimes(const MatType &ex, const MatType &arg, const MatType &v, bool tr=false, const Dict &opts=Dict())
friend MatType hessian(const MatType &ex, const MatType &arg, const Dict &opts=Dict())
Hessian and (optionally) gradient.
friend MatType mldivide(const MatType &x, const MatType &n)
Matrix divide (cf. backslash '\' in MATLAB)
friend std::vector< std::vector< MatType > > reverse(const std::vector< MatType > &ex, const std::vector< MatType > &arg, const std::vector< std::vector< MatType > > &v, const Dict &opts=Dict())
Reverse directional derivative.
friend std::string print_operator(const MatType &xb, const std::vector< std::string > &args)
Get a string representation for a binary MatType, using custom arguments.
friend casadi_int n_nodes(const MatType &A)
friend std::vector< MatType > symvar(const MatType &x)
Get all symbols contained in the supplied expression.
static MatType bilin(const MatType &A, const MatType &x, const MatType &y)
Calculate bilinear/quadratic form x^T A y.
friend MatType inv(const MatType &A, const std::string &lsolver, const Dict &options=Dict())
Matrix inverse.
friend bool is_quadratic(const MatType &expr, const MatType &var)
Is expr quadratic in var?
friend MatType logsumexp(const MatType &x)
x -> log(sum_i exp(x_i))
static MatType tangent(const MatType &ex, const MatType &arg, const Dict &opts=Dict())
static MatType linearize(const MatType &f, const MatType &x, const MatType &x0, const Dict &opts=Dict())
friend MatType det(const MatType &A)
Matrix determinant (experimental)
friend void linear_coeff(const MatType &expr, const MatType &var, MatType &A, MatType &b, bool check=true)
Recognizes linear form in vector expression.
friend MatType linearize(const MatType &f, const MatType &x, const MatType &x0, const Dict &opts=Dict())
Linearize an expression.
friend MatType expm_const(const MatType &A, const MatType &t)
Calculate Matrix exponential.
friend MatType einstein(const MatType &A, const MatType &B, const std::vector< casadi_int > &dim_a, const std::vector< casadi_int > &dim_b, const std::vector< casadi_int > &dim_c, const std::vector< casadi_int > &a, const std::vector< casadi_int > &b, const std::vector< casadi_int > &c)
Compute any contraction of two dense tensors, using index/einstein notation.
friend MatType diff(const MatType &x, casadi_int n=1, casadi_int axis=-1)
Returns difference (n-th order) along given axis (MATLAB convention)
friend MatType cross(const MatType &a, const MatType &b, casadi_int dim=-1)
Matlab's cross command.
friend MatType substitute(const MatType &ex, const MatType &v, const MatType &vdef)
Substitute variable v with expression vdef in an expression ex.
friend MatType norm_1(const MatType &x)
friend void quadratic_coeff(const MatType &expr, const MatType &var, MatType &A, MatType &b, MatType &c, bool check=true)
Recognizes quadratic form in scalar expression.
friend MatType logsumexp(const MatType &x, const MatType &margin)
Scaled version of logsumexp.
friend MatType mrdivide(const MatType &x, const MatType &n)
Matrix divide (cf. slash '/' in MATLAB)
friend MatType gradient(const MatType &ex, const MatType &arg, const Dict &opts=Dict())
Calculate the gradient of an expression.
friend MatType triu2symm(const MatType &a)
Convert a upper triangular matrix to a symmetric one.
friend Sparsity jacobian_sparsity(const MatType &f, const MatType &x)
Get the sparsity pattern of a jacobian.
friend MatType linspace(const MatType &a, const MatType &b, casadi_int nsteps)
Matlab's linspace command.
friend MatType mmax(const MatType &x)
Largest element in a matrix.
friend void substitute_inplace(const std::vector< MatType > &v, std::vector< MatType > &inout_vdef, std::vector< MatType > &inout_ex, bool reverse=false)
Inplace substitution with piggyback expressions.
friend bool is_linear(const MatType &expr, const MatType &var)
Is expr linear in var?
friend MatType densify(const MatType &x)
Make the matrix dense if not already.
friend std::vector< MatType > substitute(const std::vector< MatType > &ex, const std::vector< MatType > &v, const std::vector< MatType > &vdef)
Substitute variable var with expression expr in multiple expressions.
friend MatType inv_minor(const MatType &A)
Matrix inverse (experimental)
friend void extract(std::vector< MatType > &ex, std::vector< MatType > &v, std::vector< MatType > &vdef, const Dict &opts=Dict())
Introduce intermediate variables for selected nodes in a graph.
static MatType soc(const MatType &x, const MatType &y)
friend MatType tangent(const MatType &ex, const MatType &arg, const Dict &opts=Dict())
Calculate the tangent of an expression.
friend MatType mmin(const MatType &x)
Smallest element in a matrix.
friend MatType dot(const MatType &x, const MatType &y)
Inner product of two matrices.
friend MatType jtimes(const MatType &ex, const MatType &arg, const MatType &v, bool tr=false, const Dict &opts=Dict())
Calculate the Jacobian and multiply by a vector from the right.
friend std::vector< std::vector< MatType > > forward(const std::vector< MatType > &ex, const std::vector< MatType > &arg, const std::vector< std::vector< MatType > > &v, const Dict &opts=Dict())
Forward directional derivative.
friend MatType cse(const MatType &e)
Common subexpression elimination.
friend MatType inv_skew(const MatType &a)
Generate the 3-vector progenitor of a skew symmetric matrix.
friend MatType polyval(const MatType &p, const MatType &x)
Evaluate a polynomial with coefficients p in x.
friend MatType conditional(const MatType &ind, const std::vector< MatType > &x, const MatType &x_default, bool short_circuit=false)
Create a switch.
friend MatType if_else(const MatType &cond, const MatType &if_true, const MatType &if_false, bool short_circuit=false)
Branching on MX nodes.
friend MatType expm(const MatType &A)
Calculate Matrix exponential.
friend MatType skew(const MatType &a)
Generate a skew symmetric matrix from a 3-vector.
friend void shared(std::vector< MatType > &ex, std::vector< MatType > &v, std::vector< MatType > &vdef, const std::string &v_prefix="v_", const std::string &v_suffix="")
Extract shared subexpressions from an set of expressions.
friend MatType solve(const MatType &A, const MatType &b, const std::string &lsolver, const Dict &dict=Dict())
Solve a system of equations: A*x = b.
static MatType rank1(const MatType &A, const MatType &alpha, const MatType &x, const MatType &y)
Make a rank-1 update to a matrix A.
friend MatType cumsum(const MatType &x, casadi_int axis=-1)
Returns cumulative sum along given axis (MATLAB convention)
friend MatType unite(const MatType &A, const MatType &B)
Unite two matrices no overlapping sparsity.
friend MatType tril2symm(const MatType &a)
Convert a lower triangular matrix to a symmetric one.
friend MatType diag(const MatType &A)
Get the diagonal of a matrix or construct a diagonal.
friend MatType pinv(const MatType &A, const std::string &lsolver, const Dict &dict=Dict())
Computes the Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse.
friend MatType densify(const MatType &x, const MatType &val)
Make the matrix dense and assign nonzeros to a value.
friend MatType jacobian(const MatType &ex, const MatType &arg, const Dict &opts=Dict())
Calculate Jacobian.
friend MatType norm_inf(const MatType &x)
friend MatType pinv(const MatType &A)
Computes the Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse.
friend MatType mpower(const MatType &x, const MatType &n)
Matrix power x^n.
friend std::vector< MatType > cse(const std::vector< MatType > &e)
Common subexpression elimination.
friend MatType bilin(const MatType &A, const MatType &x, const MatType &y)
Calculate bilinear/quadratic form x^T A y.
The casadi namespace.
bool is_increasing(const std::vector< T > &v)
Check if the vector is strictly increasing.
double CASADI_EXPORT index_interp1d(const std::vector< double > &x, double xq, bool equidistant=false)
GenericType::Dict Dict
C++ equivalent of Python's dict or MATLAB's struct.