Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NcasadiThe casadi namespace
 CCallbackCallback function functionality
 CMatrixSparse matrix class. SX and DM are specializations
 Ccasadi_limitsCasadi_limits class
 CLoggerKeeps track of logging output to screen and/or files
 CCasadiMetaCollects global CasADi meta information
 CCodeGeneratorHelper class for C code generation
 CDaeBuilderA symbolic representation of a differential-algebraic equations model
 CVariableHolds expressions and meta-data corresponding to a physical quantity evolving in time
 CCasadiExceptionCasadi exception class
 CFunctionFunction object
 CFunctionBufferClass to achieve minimal overhead function evaluations
 CGenericExpressionCommonEmpty Base
 CGenericMatrixCommonEmpty Base
 CGenericMatrixMatrix base class
 CGenericTypeGeneric data type, can hold different types such as bool, casadi_int, std::string etc
 CGlobalOptionsCollects global CasADi options
 CIOInstructionAn input or output instruction
 CInputInput instruction
 COutputInput instruction
 CLinsolLinear solver
 CMatrixCommonEmpty Base
 CMXMX - Matrix expression
 CMXNodeNode class for MX objects
 CNlpBuilderA symbolic NLP representation
 CNonZerosAccess to a set of nonzeros
 COptiA simplified interface for NLP modeling/solving
 COptiSolA simplified interface for NLP modeling/solving
 COptiNodeA simplified interface for NLP modeling/solving
 CPolynomialHelper class for differentiating and integrating polynomials
 CPrintableCommonEmpty Base
 CDeserializingStreamHelper class for Serialization
 CSerializingStreamHelper class for Serialization
 CSharedObjectSharedObject implements a reference counting framework similar for efficient and
 CWeakRefWeak reference type
 CSliceClass representing a Slice
 CSolveAn MX atomic for linear solver solution: x = r * A^-1 or x = r * A^-T
 CLinsolCallLinear solve operation with a linear solver instance
 CTriuSolveLinear solve with an upper triangular matrix
 CTrilSolveLinear solve with an upper triangular matrix
 CSolveUnityLinear solve with unity diagonal added
 CTriuSolveUnityLinear solve with an upper triangular matrix, unity diagonal
 CTrilSolveUnityLinear solve with an upper triangular matrix
 CSparsityGeneral sparsity class
 CSparsityInterfaceCommonEmpty Base
 CXmlFileXML parser