▼Ncasadi | The casadi namespace |
CCallback | Callback function functionality |
CCallbackInternal | |
CMatrix | Sparse matrix class. SX and DM are specializations |
Ccasadi_limits | Casadi_limits class |
▼CLogger | Keeps track of logging output to screen and/or files |
CStream | |
CStreambuf | |
CCasadiMeta | Collects global CasADi meta information |
CCodeGenerator | Helper class for C code generation |
CDaeBuilder | A symbolic representation of a differential-algebraic equations model |
CVariable | Holds expressions and meta-data corresponding to a physical quantity evolving in time |
CCasadiException | Casadi exception class |
CKeyboardInterruptException | |
CFunction | Function object |
CFunctionBuffer | Class to achieve minimal overhead function evaluations |
CGenericExpressionCommon | Empty Base |
CGenericMatrixCommon | Empty Base |
CGenericMatrix | Matrix base class |
CGenericType | Generic data type, can hold different types such as bool, casadi_int, std::string etc |
CGlobalOptions | Collects global CasADi options |
CImporter | Importer |
CIOInstruction | An input or output instruction |
CInput | Input instruction |
COutput | Input instruction |
CLinsol | Linear solver |
CMatrixCommon | Empty Base |
CMX | MX - Matrix expression |
CMXNode | Node class for MX objects |
CNlpBuilder | A symbolic NLP representation |
CNonZeros | Access to a set of nonzeros |
COpti | A simplified interface for NLP modeling/solving |
CIndexAbstraction | |
CMetaCon | |
CMetaVar | |
COptiCallback | |
COptiAdvanced | |
COptiSol | A simplified interface for NLP modeling/solving |
COptiNode | A simplified interface for NLP modeling/solving |
CPolynomial | Helper class for differentiating and integrating polynomials |
CPrintableCommon | Empty Base |
CSerializerBase | |
CDeserializerBase | |
CStringSerializer | |
CFileSerializer | |
CStringDeserializer | |
CFileDeserializer | |
CUniversalNodeOwner | |
CDeserializingStream | Helper class for Serialization |
CSerializingStream | Helper class for Serialization |
CSharedObject | SharedObject implements a reference counting framework similar for efficient and |
CWeakRef | Weak reference type |
CSlice | Class representing a Slice |
CSolve | An MX atomic for linear solver solution: x = r * A^-1 or x = r * A^-T |
CLinsolCall | Linear solve operation with a linear solver instance |
CTriuSolve | Linear solve with an upper triangular matrix |
CTrilSolve | Linear solve with an upper triangular matrix |
CSolveUnity | Linear solve with unity diagonal added |
CTriuSolveUnity | Linear solve with an upper triangular matrix, unity diagonal |
CTrilSolveUnity | Linear solve with an upper triangular matrix |
CSparsity | General sparsity class |
CSparsityInterfaceCommon | Empty Base |
CSubMatrix | |
CSubIndex | |
CSXElem | |
CXmlFile | XML parser |
CAlpaqaMemory | |
CAlpaqaInterface | |
CAlpaqaProblem | |
CSLEQPMemory | |
CSLEQPInterface |